Wolf Trophy, 20"x16"x18", Earthenware, glaze
Bobcat Trophy, 19x"16"x18", Earthenware, glaze
California Grizzly Trophy, 21"x23"x19", Earthenware, glaze
Kitty Trophy, 28"x16"x16", Earthenware, glaze, RB Stevenson Gallery
Impala with Bark Trophy,  34"x18"x12", Earthenware, glaze
Battling Bulls Trophy, Installed in corner, 15"x36"x17", Earthenware, glaze
Battling Bulls Trophy,  15"x36"x17", Earthenware, glaze
Horse w/ Carrot, 22"x15"x32"   Earthenware, glaze
Jumping Deer Trophy (through wall), 39"x60"x15", Earthenware, glaze
Jumping Deer Trophy (one wall), 39"x60"x15", Earthenware, glaze
Instillation RB Stevenson Gallery
Monarch Trophy, Earthenware, glaze, 28"x24"x13"
Libythea Cinyras Trophy, Earthenware, glaze, 15"x26"x5"
Polor Bear Ice Melt Rug
Detail, Polor Bear Ice Melt Rug
Polar Bear Swimming Trophy,  14"x21"x13", Earthenware, glaze
Domesticated, 64"x16"x16", Earthenware clay, glaze
Roger Trophy, 30"x12"x15", Earthenware, glaze, R.B Stevenson Gallery
Roger with Table, 63"x16"x16",  Earthenware, glaze
Win, Place and Show Trophies, 49”x60”x24”, Earthenware, glaze
Win, Place and Show Trophies, “Show” was sold, 49”x60”x24”, Earthenware, glaze
 “Place Trophy”, 36”x14”x20”, earthenware, glaze
 “Win Trophy”, 36”x14”x23”, earthenware, glaze
Rocinantes Burden, 39x45x18", Earthenware, glaze
Chinese Paddlefish, 10"x10"x16", Earthenware, glaze
Yangtze River Dolphin, 9"x10"x14", Earthenware and glaze
Tucan Sam Trophy, 22"x8"x13", Earthenware, glaze
Escondido Center for the Arts Instillation
“Brawney Trophy”, 15”x11”x7”, Earthenware, glaze
Pretzle Heart, 26"x23"x8", Earthenware, glaze
Triangle Tree, 20"x20"x8", Earthenware glaze
Elephant Trophy, 30"x29"x17", Earthenware, glaze, Eutectic Gallery
Bark Trophy, 33"x22"x15", Earthenware, glaze
Fish Stick Trophy, 19"x9"x17",  Earthenware, glaze
40 Extinct Trophies, 8ft. dia., Earthenware, glaze
Extinct Yangtze River Dolphin Trophy
Extinct San Marcos Gambusia Trophy
Extinct Puma Con Color Cougar Trophy
Atitlan Greb
Guam Flycatcher
Baniff Longnose Dace
Marianas Mallard
Southern Day Frog
Us Pou Monarch
Kaua’i O’o
Little Earth Hutia
Chinese Paddlefish
Formosa Clouded Lepard
Pints Island Tortoise
Eiao Monarch
Vine Raiatea Tree Snail
Aldabra Banded Snail
White-eyed River Martin
Amistad Gambusia
Swollen Raiatea Tree Snail
Christmas Island Shrew
Fish Stick #2
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